Canadian Mennonite Magazine

Pain, apologies and repair following 2017 MC Canada restructuring

Jeanette Hanson, director of International Witness for Mennonite Church Canada, began a Zoom call last spring with an apology to members of the Anabaptist Network in South Africa. “I told…
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How can we prevent bad employment endings in churches and charities, and what’s the path to healing when they occur?


Sitting in the struggle
Tany Warkentin’s experience on a recent learning pilgri…
MCC opens cannery
Dylan Yantzi can’t wait to start canning. He is the new…
Maxwell Kennel and I often engaged in friendly theologi…
Mennonite Church USA joins multifaith coalition
WASHINGTON, DC – The Institute for Constitutional Advoc…


Readers Write: March 2025
Solar story missed the markI was looking forward to rea…
Secondary identities
The first identity of a follower of Jesus is “a followe…
Lifted by laughter
“Dad, would you rather give up coffee or potatoes for t…

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